2/3/2013 星期六
從 “FLIGHT” 到 “BEATIFUL CREATURES”不停的在尋找 Trailer 預告片來看。看來看去三心兩意的 Gold Class,2D或3D. 最後在我下定決心就選擇了3D的這部
故事大綱 |
年輕農場工人意外打開巨人族世界的入口,竟重新點燃了一場奇幻冒險的古老戰爭…… 人類與巨人族的世界,在經過好幾世紀的長久和平協議之後,竟然面臨衝突與威脅,年輕農夫傑克(尼可拉斯霍特飾)不小心讓偶然得到的魔豆長成了驚天巨樹,更在無意間開啟人類與巨人世界的大門,意外釋放了巨人族進入地球。巨人族在相隔數百年後再次踏入凡間,野心勃勃的欲奪回這個曾屬於他們的大地,傑克更為此被迫前進由巨人領袖費隆將軍(比爾奈伊飾)所領導的巨人國度,並且展開一場毀天滅地的遠征之戰…… 為了對抗巨人王國,拯救被圍困的布拉姆韋爾國王(伊恩麥克夏恩飾),與被綁架的伊莎貝爾公主(艾莉諾湯姆林森飾),傑克必須賭上性命,讓自己與原本只存在於傳說中的巨人軍團面對面,他能否在戰爭夾縫中,開創不朽的英雄傳奇並發揮英勇與睿智阻止這場浩劫? |
演員 |
In a vast kingdom, a young farm boy named Jack becomes fascinated about a legend in which an ancient king, Erik, defeated an army of invading giants from a realm in the sky by mind-controlling them with a mystical crown. At the same time, the crown princess Isabelle becomes fascinated with the same story. 10 years later, Jack goes into the town's market to sell a horse for money to support his uncle's farm. While there, Jack goes to see a children's play where he sees Isabelle and develops a crush on her. After confronting a group of men attempting to vandalize her, he ends up losing a cart he was to sell with the horse. At the same time, the cunning Lord Roderick comes into a room, only to see that King Erik's tomb has been robbed by a monk. The monk finds Jack and gives him some beans he stole from the coffin before stealing the horse. Meanwhile, Isabelle is taken back into the castle, where she gets into a fight with her father, King Brahmwell, as she wants to explore the world, but he wants her to marry Roderick. Likewise, Jack's uncle scolds him for being foolish before throwing the beans on the floor and leaving the house. |
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看完電影后,真的有種說不出的感覺呢!這電影呈現的是人類與巨人的鬥爭,除此以外,公主 Isabella和Jack最美好的結局。由於,我們是看3D版的所以不管是草,雨等等的動畫。都很逼真的接近我們,最後只覺得爲何那麽快完結。也是這就是好電影的感染力!
3 条评论:
这确是部很好看的电影!!! =]