Olympus Has Fallen aka White House Taken


24.3.2013 星期天

這一天,觀看了一部關於美國的電影。時間長達2個小時,加上很多電腦的設計。可以屬於很好看的。一開始描述著,美國總統和總統夫人一家人到總統俱樂部過聖誕節。在意外的情況下,總統夫人也被犧牲了。總統對這意外中很傷心把Mike(Gerard Butler)總統的貼身保鏢給調配到別的地方。北韓的恐怖分子,在打開殺戒下成功潛入了美國的白宮。被革職的Mike會不會才一次奮不顧身的保護總統呢?…



When The White House (Secret Service Code: “OLYMPUS”) is captured by a terrorist mastermind and the president is kidnapped, disgraced former presidential guard mike banning finds himself trapped within the building.

As our national security team scrambles to respond, they are forced to rely on banning’s inside knowledge to help retake the white house, save the president, and avert an even bigger disaster.

Status: Archive

Parish Filmed: Bossier / Caddo

Production Year: 2012

Type: Feature Film

Genre: Action / Thriller

Production Company: Nu Image / Millennium Films

Distributor: FilmDistrict

Gerard Butler ... Mike Banning
Aaron Eckhart ... President Benjamin Asher

Finley Jacobsen ... Connor

Score:Thumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs upThumbs up

3 条评论:

煒霖 说...

This is definitely cool right??? Especially the fighter fighting part!!! My ex-favorite fighter, F-22 and another cool gunship aircraft, AC-130

AhWee 说...

ya.. nice movie...

小鎮姑娘 说...

