故事大纲 |
故事讲述一位名为Scott Voss的生物学老师。他在一间学校里教书,过着每天迟到无趣的生活。可是有一天,正当学校和教师们要为削减预算,校长也就对音乐社团开刀,为了要让音乐社延续下去。Scott Voss也就想用任何办法去筹款$48,000. 为了尽快得到这么大笔数目的钱,他也决定去打(MMA)。其他同事们都认为Scott Voss是疯子,学校的护士(Bella Flores)也一样。可是负责音乐的导师(Marty Streb)不是这样想。接下来,很多搞笑的情节,温馨的都回呈现给大家… |
片中提及的“MMA”(Mixed Martial Arts,混合式武術)是近年來在美國新興的一個格鬥項目,強調雙方在對抗時,使用的是全方位的武術技巧,融合各家各派的特色。混合式武術的比賽的唯一規則是不能直接傷害或殘害對手的身體和生命。運動員需要具備摔、拿、擊、打、踢等各種技法才能應付全方位的功擊。這一種集觀賞性、娛樂性、競技性於一體的運動項目,是拳擊、散打、柔道和摔跤等運動的結合,可以說是搏擊運動的十項全能。 MMA比賽是體育比賽規則上的一個突破。在比賽中允許使用擊打、抱摔、關節技等各種技術,並在選手倒地時繼續進行比賽。而《Here Comes The Boom》片中的胖老師對於格鬥技巧一竅不通,單憑著堅強的毅力和無限的好運氣,誤打誤撞、一路殺兵斬將。 |
Plot |
Former collegiate wrestler Scott Voss (Kevin James) is a 42-year-old bored biology teacher at the failing Wilkinson High School. Budget cutbacks at the school jeopardize the continuation of its music program, which would result in its teacher, Marty (Henry Winkler), being laid off. Concerned for both his colleague and his students, Voss attempts to raise the $48,000 necessary to keep the music program alive. At first, he works as a night instructor for a citizenship class. One of his students, Niko (Bas Rutten), approaches him to get some outside tutoring and Voss reluctantly agrees. When he arrives at Niko's apartment, he realizes that Niko was a former mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. While watching UFC at Niko's apartment, Voss learns that the loser of the fight receives $10,000, which gives him the idea of raising the money by fighting in MMA himself. Voss then begins fighting in small MMA fights and gradually gaining more and more money for the school. Voss eventually gets a dinner date with Bella Flores, and they share many moments together showing much affection for each other. Voss then gets an offer to fight at the UFC, but Niko turns it down for Scott. When Scott angrily confronts Niko, Niko states that he was sorry and that the only reason he turned it down was because he was jealous because Niko himself was asked to fight at the UFC and eagerly accepted, but while he was training, he hurt his neck and that was it for him. They both go back and accept the offer. He then learns that he can get $ 50,000 if he wins the fight, so he takes the risk. The event turns out to be a hypothetical UFC 176 rematch of Carwin vs. Dos Santos and he manages to win his UFC fight, gets $50,000 for his victory, and saves the music program at his school. Also, Niko and all the students of the citizenship class have now become American citizens.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Comes_the_Boom |
Director:Frank Coraci |
Cast Kevin James – Scott Voss Salma Hayek – Bella Flores Henry Winkler - Marty Streb Greg Germann - Principal Gary Valentine – Eric Voss Charice – Malia |
看后感: |
可以说,让我苦笑不得一部搞笑电影。从里面,我可以看到一开始不那么和同学互动的生物学老师。加上一开始他为了挺同事Marty Streb用了很多时间去栽培喜欢音乐的学生。 Marty Streb的名言“Without music life would be a mistake”。打动了Scott Voss去为了延续音乐社去筹钱。 除了音乐老师,还有一位人物扮演很重要的男配角色(Niko)。不容易演得角色,在美国留居当上了一位Gym的教练,加上本来是荷兰人的他为了要的到美国公民权去上了生物老师的课。(还记得一幕是他上课在Disco里面)。MMA开始前,音乐社的同学为Scott送上了一首歌曲。主唱是来自Philippines的小妹妹(Malia),她的歌声足以让我感动了! |
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2 条评论:
上映了哦,之前就有看过它的预告片,觉得还不错,既然好看,我要赶紧去看了!!! =]