History 历史 |
In the of 1920s, Sekinchan is a small fishing village, the main fishing area is Bagan, Bagan is the birthplace of Sekinchan. The early inhabitants are almost all Teow Chew who are also fishermen who depend on fishing for their livelihood. This small fishing village, then gradually move the population from outside come in, and eventually developed into today's scale. In the year of 1953, in order to segregate the villager from the early Malayan Communist Party insurgents. The villagers are isolated, and hence formed the Site A, B, C and Bagan. It is a coastal rice planting area, it has a unique geographical environment, Sekinchan is not only have broad paddy field but also rich in fish, people named it as “Land Of Plenty”. At time of British colonial era, the Teow Chew villagers of coastal area called Sekinchan as “ Ang Mo Gang” due to a lot of British people were staying here. Meanwhile Hokkien people call it as “Sixteenth Gi’, as Sekinchan is located 16 miles from Kuala Selangor. Both names are still being called by the old generation nowadays. The total population is achieving 20,000 peoples and 60% is Chinese, 30% is Malay and 10% is other races. The main economy activities are agriculture and fishing industry. Total farming land is about 4700 acres, and there more than 300 fishing trawlers in Sekinchan. 在20世纪,适耕庄是一个小渔村,主要捕捞区域是Bagan是适耕庄的发源地。早期的居民几乎全是刁潮也依赖于捕鱼为生的渔民。这个小渔村,然后逐步将人口从外面进来,并最终发展成今天的规模。 在1953年一年中,以隔离的村民从早期的马来亚共产党叛乱分子。村民们被隔离,并因此形成了站点A,B,C和蒲甘。这是一个沿海的水稻种植面积,它具有独特的地理环境,适耕庄不仅具有广阔的稻田,但也含有丰富的鱼,人们将其命名为“鱼米之乡”。 在英国殖民时代时,刁嚼叫适耕庄的“宏茂帮”的沿海区域由于很多英国人住在这里的村民。同时,闽南人称之为“第十六届GI' 适耕庄位于16公里从瓜拉雪兰莪。两个人的名字仍然被称为当今老一代。总人口达到2万人民和60%是中国人,30%是马来人,10%为其他种族。主要经济活动是农业和捕鱼业。耕地面积约4700亩,有300多拖网渔船在适耕庄。 |
这一次回到来,我想说为大家介绍一些我爸爸常带我回去吃鱼的地方.坐落在海口的一家不起眼的小店 Restoran Guan Hwat 源发海鲜饭店。虽然店面小小的,但是里面有着一位很会烹饪的大厨。
Tongsan Fish 不知道华语名叫什么,我点的是炒辣的。鱼本身很新鲜,所以煮出来有那种香辣甜的味道。鱼本生就甜不用加上太多的调味料。几乎看不到厨师用不多功夫。
鯆鱼炒辣,虽然同样都是和 Tongsan鱼是炒辣。但是鲜味更是让我能分辨出哪道是那个。想问问大家的意见,鯆鱼的皮和骨可以吃吗?如果是我,我当然是可是有个人说不可以吃!