But have you ever tried calling them? I have. Most of them are wrong numbers.
There are usually some that have willing conversationalists at the other end.
I have made quite a few friends that way.
However, there is one number that I'll never forget----the Hell Number.
That, at least, is my name for it.
I had called that number for fun. There was no connecting click or the familiar ringing tonee.
It was just a sudden series of strangely horrific noise. There was a continuous bubbling sound,
and there was a loud hissing in the background. I thought i could hear screams, like mice chattering.
It turned my blood cold. And there was a wicked laugh, "Hee Hee Hee" Ha Ha Ha.
I quickly slammed the phone down.
It funny, you know. I have recollection of that phone number now except that the last four digits were
0000.Maybe I was connected to an outdated telephone recording or something we can't see..
time:1.44-4.44a.m midnight