Love Youself

Everyone tried to persuade people to do life fighter, just that the daily per month per person per year to fight the fact that in many, many very tired, cry cry though, all have to hang a positive face mask, What is true, what is false, as there is no definite right and wrong.
But I am convinced that an important condition for fighters to do that, you need to have surrounded by love, love your family, love your friends, especially the support of your family, the most important. Sometimes, for the love, only love themselves, but the love of family, because family love you, we can support you love yourself, to survive. For the love of your people and students before they can be pretty exciting.

Life Ambassador, nor can physical disability to summarize all, many people good health, psychologically there is a problem, otherwise there will not be your most trusted person, such as teachers, such as elders, even to infringe you.

Impossible to satisfy all the beautiful, there are many physically handicapped people, there are stars is not admirable love, only love, can be ugly into beautiful. People have confidence in themselves, are more often between life and death in a turn, the this, the most important family and friends, if you make family members feel that burden, forsake you, insult you, it most likely is embark on their road of no return.
A lot of time, the formation of pessimism, in addition to depending on their character, we will also depend on other people think of you.
Since we know that pessimism can not change the present, it is better to face with optimism, and even fell down to sleep, wake up you will feel sad worm has been swallowed sleeping. Thus you will find that one thing happened, except for a reason, but also a revelation of the means, such as love, as long as you feel a sudden change in the attitude of the other side, follow not the same as before, means that the problem has been unconsciously derivative.
Life, the most important thing is to learn to appreciate themselves, who know more about than their own, to appreciate their own, one will know how to appreciate others, starting today, began to enjoy myself. God man, always has his scales, even if you deducted four ounces, will pay back you one hundred grams, as is good or bad, it depends on his record. So, do not worry, there will always be worthy of other people who appreciate the side, not too early to give up, you know, as long as there is love, surrounded by, you will pass wild, so to love, love yourself.

